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Old May 25, 2005, 06:35 PM // 18:35   #1
Ascalonian Squire
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Exclamation My constantly updated Bugs (What I think are), Irritations and suggestions post

From my first post, the newer stuff is below:

What I have noticed so far and read that i agree with:
-A level indicator when you mouse over people (yes I know that you can c then hit tab but I am lazy and the mouse pops up ther name ANYWAY)
-A way to indicate what weapons you have in your weapon sets so you don't accidently sell them I tried to put them in my pouch but when I switched weapons they went back into my bag :|
- Travel together to a district would be nice, or a way to tell where to go
- More starting outfits, and caracter models we all look like clones in the beginning
- Mouse over for guild cape materials/requirements, I have no Idea what those two things are that are required ( I am a noob and proud of it)
- Fix that thing where some people are white boxes running around
- More Character slots and equipment choices etc
- Total Stats ie total armor and any buffs etc when i mouseover my character in the equipment screen or while playing whatever
- Monster animations don't match up with the ground , they kinda float
- more ambient noises, things make noice, monster biting it's nails i don't care just SOMETHING
- Wanna explain what the area is beyond the gate so I don't have to Google for it unless i missed something on both my characters, and a general idea like "you should have 2 professions AND BE Lvl 6 or whatever before you go through the gate" so I know what the big deal is.
- "on a team" indicator or "looking for team indicator"
- more monster types are always good, also effects and everything basically *greedy*
- Map location labels for smaller locations
- A highlight color, if you want, to show where you have walked/can walk, to help with pathfinding, maybe not just throwing it out there
- A few issues with draw in (trees) but the game is so beautiful it really doesn't matter, keeping the preformance is the main point

One lvl 12 character, one lvl 8 char, one lvl 2 char
- Standing on top of NPC when I click their name (merchant etc)
- Inconsistent plant pop in and tree pop in
- Graphics for glowing stones in the Courthouse seem to have errors, pond with the bull in pre-sear
- My elementalist's head is too big, my head pieces float IN my head, maybe fix the distance away from his forehead
- Transperency of the grass screws up some textures (makes my elementalist bald if i sit in tall grass in between me and the camera)
- Blinding flash didn't seem to work on the 4 or so bears I tried it on so I don't use it anymore
- Eruption is missing how long the people stay blinded for
- Characters don't display any de-buffs under their name when you click on them, just show a bunch of icons and have people mouse over them for descriptions to the right of the area that tells what spell a character is casting, the spell they are casting should have it's name there still
- Only the Necro and Monk characters models can blink ??
- Why do monsters seem to have unlimited energy to cast spells?

- In the party window split the health bars into halves to show health and energy of the people
- More variety in outfits, why does a piece that gives 5 armor look like one that does 10
- Specific item drops for monsters maybe, not so random
- Different impact and spell effects, I am shooting a Water wand but the impact is red?
- Friends list shows what district they are in or "In Mission" if they are on a mission
- One or two more character slots
- A context menu so you can tell your party/animal "stay/attack/protect "etc
- A bigger vault , like 5 times bigger. Makes no sense that my character can hold more than a vault
- A vault with like 8 rows of 5 slots where the last row is highlighted in red and that row is accesible to any character on your account where as the other rows aren't
- Map labels for areas and maybe colored borders (can make it optional)
- Default area for Hero level should be below the chat box, it fits I tried

Thx again for a great game

Last edited by MrD; May 26, 2005 at 08:16 PM // 20:16.. Reason: changed title
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Old May 25, 2005, 11:06 PM // 23:06   #2
Ascalonian Squire
Join Date: Apr 2005

05/25/2005 6:06 PM

- Can't switch targets after starting a spell, usually cancells it
- Can't use Runes for my secondary profession. Doesn't it count?

- Different icons for salvage material and other items that share icons (not all salvage items are helmets)
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Old May 25, 2005, 11:14 PM // 23:14   #3
Jungle Guide
Join Date: May 2005

- In the party window split the health bars into halves to show health and energy of the people
Yes! This was one of the things that I liked about WoW. You could tell when your primary healer was low on mana, so the secondary healers knew when to take over. This is even more important in guild wars, because with its class system, 11 out of the 30 possible class combinations are monks. There are a lot of secondary healers around.
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Old May 26, 2005, 04:15 AM // 04:15   #4
Ascalonian Squire
Join Date: Apr 2005

05/25/2005 11:13 PM

- Couldn't sell to Healy in Ascalon (Material Trader)
- Scorpions evade Wild Blow
- Distracting shot knocks monsters over for like 1/4 of a second(Have seen other monsters do this also using Bane Signet), how can I get a Hunter's Shot off in that little time?

- Make monsters fight, why do scorpions not attack gargoyles, and why do they work together
- Make mercs split up under attack so they aren't as vulnerable to area of effect spells
- Make it so you can draw a zoom box for the main map, or a middle zoom setting
- Some class that can charm low level monsters, and has stealth skills
- Bumpy Glass Lens effects when you are blinded or an area of effect spell is hitting you or something (probably won't work but oh well)
- Mounts are a great idea, I read another thread and agree. You could disable your secondary item (bottom hand in inventory) while riding and make the characters do slightly less damage (cause they are on an animal) but give them an incentive like taking slightly less damage or a unique buff

Last edited by MrD; May 26, 2005 at 06:13 AM // 06:13.. Reason: Remembered a few more things and didn't want to add another post
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Old May 26, 2005, 11:14 AM // 11:14   #5
Frost Gate Guardian
Join Date: May 2005

For those who posted above: Please note...

You listed as BUGS??? (They are not Bugs!)

- Couldn't sell to Healy in Ascalon (If materials then they need to be in bulks of 10, she will not take less. not a bug!)
- Scorpions evade Wild Blow (They are using an evade skill. Scorpions use this skill a lot. Rethink what your character should do during the timer this skill is active!!)
- Can't use Runes for my secondary profession. Doesn't it count? (no. Runes are primary only)
- Can't switch targets after starting a spell, usually cancells it. (Correct. Making mistakes when casting is a player error!)

Graphic Issues you have listed that are NOT on both my PC's! So not an overall issue but maybe a driver - model issue with your machine.

- Fix that thing where some people are white boxes running around (never seen!)
- Monster animations don't match up with the ground , they kinda float (Never seen!)
- Standing on top of NPC when I click their name (Do you mean you stand in the same location? If so, there is no 'blocking' effect when in towns)
- Inconsistent plant pop in and tree pop in (never seen)
- Graphics for glowing stones in the Courthouse seem to have errors, pond with the bull in pre-sear (Not on our PC's)
- My elementalist's head is too big, my head pieces float IN my head, maybe fix the distance away from his forehead (Not on our Elementalists!! - Is your Elementalist set to the largest model size? Maybe thats the issue!)


- Make monsters fight, why do scorpions not attack gargoyles, and why do they work together (Mobs do fight. You will find this happening lots of times! They will also agro things by mistake with aoe effects, so neutral animals will turn on them also.)
- Different icons for salvage material and other items that share icons. Not all salvage items are helmets. (Please explain!! What salvage items do you know that share icons with non-salvage items??)
-A way to indicate what weapons you have in your weapon sets so you don't accidently sell them I tried to put them in my pouch but when I switched weapons they went back into my bag (They have a star * next to them!)
- Total Stats ie total armor and any buffs etc when i mouseover my character in the equipment screen or while playing whatever (Armour is not calculated that way!)
- more monster types are always good, also effects and everything basically *greedy* (there an an awful lot of monster types as you go through the game but they are in keeping with any current story. i,e if the story is about a charr siege.... Expect to see lots of charr???!!!)
- A highlight color, if you want, to show where you have walked/can walk, to help with pathfinding, maybe not just throwing it out there (The map shows where you have been! - M- )
- Specific item drops for monsters maybe, not so random (They are!!!???)

There are some good suggestions in the lists but much of what was listed is due to lack of understanding or exploration of the game.
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Old May 26, 2005, 11:27 AM // 11:27   #6
Lion's Arch Merchant
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All those UI tweaks must be implemented sooner or later. I feel a bit lost in the towns. I mean, having to open my guild and friend window so many times, click on the people to see their class/level, having to type the name (or ctrl+c if the have talked) to add to my friend list, etc is a bit of a waste of time.

I can add some:

- If you double click a name in the chat log you send a whisper, and copies the name to paste in the friend add box.
- With the travel together I totally agree, if not almost see somehow where all the people went instead of dissappearing from your party list.

Got more but they are in another thread:
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Old May 26, 2005, 03:36 PM // 15:36   #7
Lion's Arch Merchant
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Most of those are bugs with your drivers or comp, and some of them are issues that have already been addressed and answered. For one, monsters DO fight. It's not uncommon to see a pack of baddies fighting each other because of their turf. I've got a much larger, and more in depth thread you should look at.
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Old May 26, 2005, 05:03 PM // 17:03   #8
Academy Page
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Guild: Friends in United Nation (FUN)
Profession: Me/Mo

This is more along the lines of 'would be nice to have' -- a way to actually get a nice, tight, screenshot of your characters FACE without having to look up from your feet. The distance before going to 1st person is much too much.
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Old May 26, 2005, 05:42 PM // 17:42   #9
Ascalonian Squire
Join Date: Apr 2005

OK I am just listing things that seem like bugs, maybe I should rename that sections to THE IRRITATIONS and if i am wrong the devs can ignore it. Don't get me wrong I love this game but these are just MY observations. I have screenshots of some of them and will make more.

- The Healy thing we only had like 6 so you are right
- Wild Blow isn't supposed to be evaded or blocked according to its description
- Switching spells is not from my mistake, if I start a spell on a guy and my mercs kill it before i get done i should be able to target another monster, how hard is it to turn your head and point your fingers in another direction??
- Monsters floating... watch the earth elemental things in pre-sear by Wizard's Folley
- I mean stading in the same place, the game should open the buy dialog or whatever a little earlier and make me stop.
- In the pond by the bull, there looks like something sticking out of the water, will take a screenshot
- Why are runes only for primary, half my character is with my secondary skill???
- The white box thing has happened on my friend's computer and mine, a 3GHZ P4 with an ATI X700 and a 1.8GHZ with an All-in-wonder 9600.
- I was in an area where if i turned a few degrees to the left a bush dissappeared and when I turned back it came back.
- My elementalist is the largest size, this isn't MY fault, the game should float it based on the models boundries

- I have seen monsters fight, but why don't groups like Hydra /Boulder Elementalist fight each other, how did they become friends, I just wanna know why they paired monsters up, I understand the Ice golem/Stone summit thing because the game says the summit created them.
- i will make a list of the different items that share icons
- the star next to the weapon set item wasn't implemented when I first wrote that post, i have had the game since it came out, i noticed it recently , and they fixed the weapon switch problem too
- They fixed the dots on the map , they weren't working
- Why do Scorpions drop swords? How did they get them.

I made this list to help the devs, they have the last word regardless, and are doing a great job. I am human so I err, and I have only been through about 1/4 of the game. I don't have to defend myself, and could care less if i am 100% accurate on these, just post your suggestions if you want and be done with it. I am learning this game and have never said I know everything. If i find a way i will post the screen shots.
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Old May 27, 2005, 05:58 AM // 05:58   #10
Lion's Arch Merchant
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- Why are runes only for primary, half my character is with my secondary skill???

Then why did you pick that primary. That's not an irritation, that's your own fault lol... A large count of the stuff you list won't get touched because they are low ranking problems. The company is going to focus on more important focus aside from menial problems. The alpha and beta are over, this is gold now. Auto switching of spells when a target dies I don't like - this isn't a problem if you just think ahead.

It's a good question why some monsters are paired up, but Skeleton Monks don't make much sense either.

If you wish to make a list of all items that share icons, why not simply ask them? They more then likely have a design plan listing items, or a database file. Just ask them to use unique inventory icons for all unique items. (Which they probably do)

Alot of the "Dissappearing" and "reappearing" of objects or polygons is a little effect called Culling that you must be wonderously grateful for. If that wasn't there, the game would lag to no end. Culling cuts out objects/surfaces that are not in view, or too far away, to cut down on system load. It's a very diffiuclt thing to program, and I've noticed a few querks with how they map cells on the playing field, it seems the culling locks onto the center of the cell, and if the center isnt visible the block can vanish - sometimes leaving an empty spot far away that blinks in and out if you move a little. Nothing serious, it's a minor bug. Not something to be concerned about.

What is more concernful are things that affect gameplay directly, and how the players behave. Such as the gold in the bank, or the icons to identify what items are in a weapon slot. I'm not sure why they forgot about something like that, but that's one of the big things we're here to help with - player problems their foresight missed.
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